A first award! (Liebster Award)

Thanks a ton Saya-The Poet! You have brightened up my mood. Thanks for the surprise. Loved it! To be frank if any award was to come my way it had to be via your blog. Thanks for reading and commenting on almost all of my scribblings!

Your post as the source I’ll lay down the intro and rules for the award:

This Liebster Award was created to recognize and/or discover new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere.

The rules of this award are as follows:

  1. Link and thank the person who nominated you
  2. Answer the questions they asked you
  3. Pick eleven awesome bloggers to nominate ( preferably those with less than or around 200 followers)
  4. Ask them eleven questions (Saya modified this to five questions…so I am continuing the tradition)
  5. Let them know by commenting on one of their post

Here are my answers to your questions:

1) What was the thought behind the name of your blog?

I wanted to put a catchy, self-contradicting word as the title. Hence the “Shooting Star”. I am not really sure how far the word is self-contradicting. But the way I see it, stars are supposed to be high in sky; shooting stars are supposed to crash into the ground. There is the contradiction. Plus whoever has seen bollywood movies know that shooting star is a sign of good luck. So be it for all my viewers!

2) What was your main motive behind joining blogosphere?

I had a strong feeling to create a space in the virtual space and call it my own. So I created this blog long time back. But I really did not know what to write. And I was also not sure who will be the takers of my writings! One fine day, I was heart broken and was traversing through my old blog. The beautiful daily prompt community invited me with open arms. The perfect healer that I needed!

3) What are your hobbies?

A cursory look at my posts reveal my love for football and Arsenal. I watch most games and crib about their bad performances. I am also a movie buff. I also like to take some courses on coursera.org. If you have time, do check out the MOOCs.

4) Describe a moment which brought unexpected tears of either happiness, sadness, gratitude etc.

It is hard to pick one. But I feel very sad if people who I perceive close to me misunderstands me. But, I would put myself in the basket of stoics and introverts. Don’t expect many feelings from my side.

5) Describe one moment in which you felt you have achieved something in life.

When I am the reason for *that* spark in the eyes of my friends and family – that is hell of an achievement!

I hope I answered all my questions as honestly as possible 😛 🙂

I would ask the following five questions to my nominations:

1) What drives you to write the current blog?

2) If you were given all the time to write a fiction novel, what would be the subject of the book?

3) Which original post of yours(link it) do you want to develop into a movie?

4) What is your favourite movie?

5) Which football club you support, if you follow football. If you don’t who is your favourite sporting icon? Please share how you fell in love with your football team or the sporting icon as the case may be!

And the nominations are:








Last but not the least: back to you – http://sayadpoet.wordpress.com

41 thoughts on “A first award! (Liebster Award)

  1. Congratulations rising Shooting Star! well deserved. i would have nominated you too. honestly yet reluctantly thanking you for also passing the Liebster Award on to me which i shall accept with heaps of controversial turmoil.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was a pleasure nominating you Shooting star… 🙂 and now I got to know you better through those answers which I hope are honest 😛 …


  3. Pingback: Liebster award square… | Saya..D Poet...

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